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More on the Yellow Threat Condition

Building on our last post on Green and Blue Threat Conditions, we’d like to continue with more information on the Yellow (Elevated) Threat Condition, which happens to be the current threat level. This level indicates a significant risk for a terrorist attack, and as this page details, suggests organizations take the following steps:

  1. Learn about the specific threat and determine whether it requires any change in established precautionary measures.
  2. Implement the appropriate measures and response plans.
  3. Increase surveillance of the organization’s critical locations.
  4. Contact local authorities to coordinate organizational response plans with them.

As with all Threat Conditions, Yellow builds on the lower Threat Conditions, so in addition to the steps above, organizations should take the steps outlined for Green and Blue Threat Conditions. If your organization needs guidance or equipment to formulate the appropriate response to any Threat Condition, contact us. We’re experts in security system design, installation, and service.

This entry was posted on Monday, November 22nd, 2010 at 2:20 pm. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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