Access control is a critical element of increasing the security of your building.
Access control is a critical element of increasing the security of your building. Whether it’s on a school campus, located in a business park, or is part of a government facility, your building needs to be as secure as possible in these uncertain times. Here is some advice on how to ensure your access control systems remain secure.
Increase Security
One possibility is to enhance the physical security supporting the access control system you have already enabled. Implementing biometric security is one common solution since it’s easy to steal a key card or access badge, but it isn’t as simple to take a set of fingerprints, retinal scan, or voice command.
Two-factor authentication is another possible solution, especially if keeping a human security guard on duty at all times isn’t a viable option. One last reasonable suggestion is to use employees’ mobile devices as an option for two-factor authentication. Smartphones and tablets have already become invaluable tools for you and your employees to complete work-related tasks, so it should be easy to incorporate these devices into regular security routines.
Use Card-Based Access Systems
Using card-based access systems can also improve your access control capabilities. However, access numbers might still be printed directly on the cards or on key attachments that serve the same purpose. It’s far too easy for unscrupulous intruders to falsify access authorization by finding ways to make copies of the access cards.
Other Factors to Consider
Be on the lookout for possible skimming attempts. The card readers can be detached from the wall, interfered or tampered with – meaning skimmer devices can be hidden inside the card readers without your knowledge. Preventing this is as simple as putting the reader on the secure side of the door or encrypting the information that the card reader relies on; if your access control system relies on Bluetooth or Wi-Fi technology, the same principles apply. Make the detector harder to find and damage, and make sure that your systems administrator understands the importance of keeping access points secure both in cyberspace and in the real world. Evaluating your current security measures is the first step to making sure everyone can feel safe in the building whenever they enter it, no matter which part of the structure or school they are in.
Trust the Professionals at ARK Systems
Located in Columbia, Maryland, ARK Systems provides unsurpassed quality and excellence in the security industry, from system design all the way through to installation. We handle all aspects of security with local and remote locations. With over 30 years in the industry, ARK Systems is an experienced security contractor. Trust ARK to handle your most sensitive data storage, surveillance, and security solutions.
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