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Eyeing Iris ID

One of the most promising developments in biometric identification has been iris recognition systems. As this article explains, this technology makes use of the unique pattern of specks in each person’s iris to verify the identity of that person.  Iris scanning has been used on a limited, experimental basis in both the U.S. and Europe and offers many advantages.

Iris pattern scanners are now considered the most accurate biometric devices, and iris identification systems are less susceptible than other biometric systems to wrongful identification.  There’s low potential for identity theft or false positives when iris identification is used.

Iris identification allays some of the privacy concerns that accompany other controversial forms of biometric ID.  Iris identification does not lend itself to law enforcement purposes as fingerprints and DNA do.  It is also not useful for scanning crowds in the way facial recognition devices have been used.  Its main use is for allowing or denying access to facilities.

Iris scanning technology has many applications beyond the security realm.  As the technology develops, it has the potential to replace less-secure, nonbiometric forms of identification such as driver’s licenses, ATM cards, and credit cards.

To learn more about how iris identification can improve your organization’s security, contact us.  We can show what systems are available and how they are currently being used.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 5th, 2011 at 6:47 pm. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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