In the event of an emergency, we all want first responders to be on the scene as soon as possible. However, since many campus administrators are most concerned about their community, they might not always have first responders in mind. With new RF code changes in place, this doesn’t have to be the case anymore.

More Radio Coverage
The first of the RF code changes we will discuss involve extending existing radio coverage. This means that there must be 95% radio coverage on every single floor of the building. Make sure that the transmission/reception dead zones are as small as possible is essential. Campus security depends on it, no matter who the first responders are.
Floor Area Radio Coverage
Next, there must be 90% floor area radio coverage inside all of your campus buildings. This change is primarily focused on all general building areas, and since it is now mandatory, this upgrade cannot be ignored.
Floor Area Coverage
However, in the most critical areas of each building, there must be 99% floor area coverage. This is to ensure a timelier response and allow first responders to communicate much more quickly since it is so easy for usual channels of communication to be disrupted during a campus emergency. Newly-updated RF code requirements are meant to help prevent this from becoming a problem for first responders and other safety and security officers who may be called upon to rescue students, professors, employees, and guests.
Radio Coverage in New Buildings
Every campus will have new buildings raised and older ones demolished over the course of their lifespan. That means that more radio coverage in newer buildings is even more important; after all, if you have the opportunity to take advantage of the latest technology, why wouldn’t you? All campus safety directors are obligated to follow the new standard IFC Section 510 along with all other applicable state-recognized fire codes. Even in the event of a false alarm, ensuring that you have the best possible fire protection measures is still a worthwhile investment.
Following Code Requirements
Different jurisdictions will issue new RF codes and RF code requirements at different times. Regardless, all campus administrators are mandated to make all necessary arrangements to remain in compliance at all times. Bi-directional amplifiers, also known as BDAs, can help you achieve this goal.
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Located in Columbia, Maryland, ARK Systems provides unsurpassed quality and excellence in the security industry, from system design through to installation. We handle all aspects of security with local and remote locations. With over 30 years in the industry, ARK Systems is an experienced security contractor. Trust ARK to handle your most sensitive data storage, surveillance, and security solutions.
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