Keeping schools safe has become more critical than ever before. Achieving this goal involves improving the security around the perimeter of the campus and within the main building and satellite buildings, especially if there are portables. Here are some of the ways to enhance overall school security.

Securing Both the Campus and the School
Look at the community around the school, and the school grounds as well, on a map. This is how you can begin planning any necessary upgrades to school security. The one mile directly around the school is considered its community. Anything that happens inside this radius will also have a significant impact on the safety of the school, so be aware of that. The boundaries of the school should also be circled on this map; in this case, you will have to account for sports fields and exterior buildings that are not part of the main building. Finally, draw a circle around where the main building is – these three circles represent the perimeters you must protect.
Securing the Main Building
The next step is to focus on enhancing security for the school’s main building. Every facet of school security needs to be addressed, and nothing can be dismissed or taken for granted in these uncertain times. Putting new locks on the front doors, adding more security cameras, and making sure the front office staff monitors the visitors’ log are all great ways for making sure the school is more secure than it used to be. Identification badges can also be a smart measure to take, even for schools that have fewer resources to work with than schools in other districts. Exterior doors to auditoriums, libraries, and gyms should be locked after the school day starts, although emergency exits should be left alone.
Staying Prepared for Anything Unexpected
Many school security concerns can only be prepared for through drills and training sessions for both students and faculty. However, when something happens, it is often entirely by surprise. Fostering healthy relationships within the school grounds can lead to the minimization of bullying and mistreatment that could lead to incidents such as outbreaks of school violence. Teachers and administrators must also be watchful for feuds or other disputes between students that could lead to hallway fights or other disruptions such as fire alarm pranks.
Trust the Professionals at ARK Systems
Located in Columbia, Maryland, ARK Systems provides unsurpassed quality and excellence in the security industry, from system design through to installation. We handle all aspects of security with local and remote locations. With over 30 years in the industry, ARK Systems is an experienced security contractor. Trust ARK to handle your most sensitive data storage, surveillance, and security solutions.
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