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Can Computers Replace Human Surveillance? Researchers say yes!

The United States government has recently funded the development of an automatic video surveillance technology designed by two researchers at Carnegie Mellon, Alessandro Oltramari and Christian Lebiere. The automatic surveillance technology is intended to detect and report illicit behavior. Oltramari and Lebiere even believe that this technology will one day supplant human surveillance camera monitoring.

According to a paper written by the two researchers, the automatic surveillance technology is designed “to approximate human visual intelligence in making effective and consistent detections.”

One day, Oltramari and Lebiere believe the technology will be capable of “eventually predicting” what will happen next through what the two researchers refer to as the system’s “cognitive engine.” The technology will actually be able to understand the rules by which objects and actions are allowed to interact and will even calculate which physical trajectories are most likely.

So what do you think of Oltramari and Lebiere’s automatic video surveillance technology? More importantly, do you trust a computer to make the same cognitive decisions as a human?

For any further questions on Surveillance Systems, simply contact ARK Systems at 1-800-995-0189 or click here today.

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Source: U.S. Researchers Aim to Replace Human Surveillance with Computers

This entry was posted on Thursday, January 3rd, 2013 at 7:18 pm. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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