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Commercial Security: 2 Types of Door Locks

If you’re looking to improve the commercial security around your business, you need to consider all possible options. Sometimes, privacy or security fences could do the trick. Or you could rely on access control systems that are placed at both exterior entrances and interior doorways onto your company’s campus. However, there are other instances in which changing the types of locks you have on your doors will make all the difference.  

Commercial Security: 2 Types of Door Locks
If you’re looking to improve the commercial security around your business, you need to consider all possible options.

Electric Strike Locks

The electric strike locks combine electric and mechanical components to keep a door locked until the next time it is unlocked. They’re often paired with lock sets or panic bars. Instead of a typical lock that you might expect to see on a door with a deadbolt. These locks are powered by electricity, so they will always be reliable unless something interrupts the flow of electricity. There are different ways to unlock the locks that you set up in this way, though.

For example, there are release buttons, keypad locks, key card readers, and key fob readers. All of these options will help to increase the commercial security of your premises. In case the electricity should go out to inclement weather or intruder interference, there are failsafe measures in place that allow you to open and close the door as normal.

Magnetic Locks

One other system you can try involves the use of magnetic locks. These are also known as mag locks. You’ll find that an electromagnet is installed on the door and paired with a metal plate. The plate serves as the anchor for the lock, since when electricity passes through the magnet, it holds the plate in place. For the door to open, the power must be interrupted or otherwise disrupted. However, once the power goes out, the door can be opened on either side. That means there is no backup locking mechanism in place.

Which One Should You Choose?

When you decide which type of lock you use, you’ll have several different choices to make. For one, will the lock be placed on an interior door or an exterior one? Will it be to keep a fire door secure? You’ll also need to think about the budget you have available for these projects, along with whether or not you can stay compliant with industry and government regulations.

Trust the Professionals at ARK Systems

Located in Columbia, Maryland, ARK Systems provides unsurpassed quality and excellence in the security industry, from system design all the way through to installation. We handle all aspects of security with local and remote locations. With over 30 years in the industry, ARK Systems is an experienced security contractor. Trust ARK to handle your most sensitive data storage, surveillance, and security solutions.

Contact ARK Systems at 1-800-995-0189 or click here today. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter as well!

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