Remote learning represents a new way of life.
Remote learning represents a new way of life. Although distance learning has long been an element of the college experience, it is not as well-rehearsed or known in lower levels of education. However, it’s an adjustment we’ve all had to make over the past seven or eight months. Even so, there are some security issues that must be addressed as soon as possible.
Ways to Ensure Safety
As we have emphasized before, safety should be one of the main priorities of any school district or university campus, even when arranging remote learning. Hackers enjoy deploying ransomware attacks, which create system lockouts on targeted computers unless a specific amount of money is paid. The hybrid model of instruction has become the basis of education delivered remotely as in-person classes are being discouraged for the foreseeable future in a bid to slow down the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Malware, exploits, and viruses are common problems that need to be dealt with before they can corrupt all of the networks that schools rely upon these days.
Asking Parents and Students to Contribute
To this end, parents and students alike should both pitch in to help. User awareness and education are the two building blocks of this defensive strategy. Training against “attacks” staged by white-hat hackers is like a digital fire drill – a way to help parents and students learn about the red flags to watch out for while focusing on the use of parental controls. Firewalls and network encryption are tactics commonly employed by workplaces who have long adapted to the challenges of safely navigating the Web and dealing with the Cloud.
Smart Device Considerations
Smart devices have been a little piece of the future in our daily lives for most of a decade by now, perhaps even longer. Technology is always advancing, as evidenced by the evolution of remote learning. The Internet of Things is changing the way we deliver instruction and connect with students through the wonders of WiFi, but more security questions also arise through the use of these methods. Factory settings such as mundane passwords need to be changed to something more unique and therefore harder to crack. Firmware and software must also be updated whenever new updates are pushed out by expert vendors.
Making E-Learning Reliable Going Forward
Even after the pandemic is over for good, e-learning will still be a complex and perplexing proposition. Potential vulnerabilities may make school systems – from elementary schools to community colleges – reluctant to invest in ways to make remote learning safer and more secure than ever before – but constant vigilance and responsible use of devices will make an enormous difference.
Trust the Professionals at ARK Systems
Located in Columbia, Maryland, ARK Systems provides unsurpassed quality and excellence in the security industry, from system design through to installation. We handle all aspects of security with local and remote locations. With over 30 years in the industry, ARK Systems is an experienced security contractor. Trust ARK to handle your most sensitive data storage, surveillance, and security solutions. Contact ARK Systems at 1-800-995-0189 or click here today. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter as well!