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Commercial Security: Steps to Take After a Break-in at Your Business

A break-in can be a traumatic experience. Even an attempted one can leave its mark on your business. It’s terrifying enough when it happens at home; it shouldn’t happen at the workplace either. Here are some of the steps to take after one happens so that you can recover and get back to doing what you do best. 

Commercial Security: Steps to Take After a Break-in at Your Business
A commercial security system from a verified vendor can help make a difference, since trusted systems lead to faster response times and fewer crimes in your area.

Reach the Authorities 

One of the first steps is to reach out to local authorities, especially the police. Even if the break-in resulted in some mischief or vandalism rather than destruction or theft of property, it is still a matter for proper investigation. Don’t approach the scene in hopes of catching intruders in the act, as it could still be risky. Instead, wait for a police response. A commercial security system from a verified vendor can help make a difference, since trusted systems lead to faster response times and fewer crimes in your area. 

Get Your Story Together

You’ll need to be able to give your version of events, no matter what just happened. By giving the police as much information as possible, you can do your part in tracking down the intrudes and stopping them. Record the time of the break-in; what, if anything was taken; what you did when you learned of the break-in; along with how many intruders, what they looked like, how they got in, and how they escaped. Commercial security cameras can also capture footage that can contribute to solving the crime. 

Talk to Insurance Providers

Another step you will need to take is talking to insurance providers. Insurance agents will help you file a claim and recoup any losses you may have sustained, especially when it comes to important inventory items or high-priced electronics that you need to conduct your business. Getting a copy of the police report will help, along with any photos or other proof of the incident. 

Collect Evidence 

Part of collecting evidence involves recording the signs of property damage and if anything else inside your building was disturbed in some way. By doing this, you can make sure the insurance claims process runs more smoothly. 

Speak to Employees 

You’re also obligated to speak to your employees. Letting them know what happened is essential, especially if you want to help them prepare for the possibility of another break-in. Reviewing existing commercial security procedures or modifying them as necessary might be a solution that you pursue further. 

Trust the Professionals at ARK Systems

Located in Columbia, Maryland, ARK Systems provides unsurpassed quality and excellence in the security industry, from system design through to installation. We handle all aspects of security with local and remote locations. With over 30 years in the industry, ARK Systems is an experienced security contractor. Trust ARK to handle your most sensitive data storage, surveillance, and security solutions.

Contact ARK Systems at 1-800-995-0189 or click here today. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter as well!

This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 7th, 2019 at 1:26 pm. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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