How technology is helping schools around the country.
School districts around the country are using card systems in order to keep track of students’ attendance. Many of these school districts have found that by implementing such a system, they are reaping many rewards.
The Smart Card
School superintendents are the target demographic for these cards since they are responsible for the way their school district operates. Smart cards are ones that provide a variety of options. They use RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and are contactless. They work when students tap these cards onto a reader that marks them as logged in. These readers can be installed in a number of places including school buses, classrooms, gymnasiums, and cafeterias. These readers allow for a very easy and quick tracking system for all students.
These smart cards are also coded with a specific ID number, assigned to a single student, allowing the back-end of the computer to maintain all relevant and important information about that student. The option for school districts to add on features at a later time makes these smart cards a very appealing system for superintendents to implement in their respective districts.
The Dumb Card
These are the cards wit ha black stripe on them. Typically, these cards only have one function, like opening a door or pulling up a library account. Staff personnel may be found swiping these cards in order to gain access into a part of a building. However, the very real wear and tear of the bar code and stripe, lessens the card’s lifespan, creating a very expensive system in order to replace the worn-out cards.
The Cloud Debate
We’ve always heard about the infamous cloud. The importance of the cloud has not gone unnoticed, but could schools benefit from a cloud based system?
In a non-cloud based system, data resides in a server or a computer, somewhere in the school district. Maintained by the district’s IT department, and the school district would be responsible for purchasing any additional storage or memory because a bigger computer would be needed.
Using a cloud based system, all the data resides in a virtual storage system, the cloud. Having off-site servers allows for appropriate backup systems to be in place, so if for some reason something happens, you always have access to all the necessary information.
It’s Important To Plan Ahead
As technology continues to advance it’s crucial that school districts get behind the rise in technology to ensure that they can become better equipped to handle emergency situations and maintain accountability of all of their students.
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